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Tuesday, 6 March 2018

It's been a long time


Lama dah rasanya tak update anything on this blog. Bukan rasanya, memang lama. So, I'll plan to regularly check this and perhaps post something. 

For a starter, I might write something tentang travel which I really, really love! I already plan untuk tulis tentang my solo travel to Switzerland tahun lepas, the train trip to Thailand and the upcoming trip to Japan, insyaAllah.

I also plan to write something about my PhD journey, which I'm very reluctant to write about. But, will try to write some since I've started writing about it actually in a few posts. 

Maybe, maybe, aku akan juga cuba untuk tulis something tentang isu-isu semasa, my opinion and all. InsyaAllah, kalau rajin..

Thanks for everyone that following this blog.

Best regards,

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