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Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Catching Dream: Are You Ready or Not?

" Wahai Nabi! Katakanlah kepada para tawanan yang ada di tanganmu: " Jika Allah mengetahui ada kebaikan di dalam hati kamu, nescaya Dia akan memberikan kepada kamu yang lebih baik daripada apa yang telah diambil daripada kamu dan Dia akan mengampunkan kamu" Dan Allah Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Penyayang" (8:70)

Readiness. Benda yang paling banyak difikirkan oleh kita, human, dalam segala sudut, setiap masa. Macam-macam benda yang kita nak buat dalam dunia ni, do have a relation to sense of readiness. Sebab, without us being ready, tak mungkin sesuatu benda tu akan terjadi. Apa aku mengarut ni? Ayat berbelit-belit! haha.. Senang cerita, meh aku kasi contoh:

Saat kita menghadiri kenduri kahwin member kita atau jiran atau mungkin sedara;
Ongtetua: Yang ni bila lagi?
Bebujang: krik krik krik

Tu kira yang situasi yang paling femes lah tu dalam dunia ni. Betul tak? I bet, ramai je yang pernah menghadapi situasi diatas. How do you counter it back? Macam aku, I do make that "krik krik krik" sound. haha..

Actually, it's all depends on our sense of readiness. Dan, readiness ni, bukan terletak pada diri kita. Pada Allah. Tak kiralah betapa kita kata kita dah ready, kalau Dia kata "Tak", means, we're not ready. Sebab, Allah knows the best. Dia yang paling kenal diri kita sebenarnya. 


Thus, jangan pernah down kalau apa yang kita nak, tak tercapai. Kadang ada benda tu, kita nak, I mean, NAAAAAAAKKKKKKK sangat, tapi ada je kekangan untuk kita dapat benda tu. That means, we're not ready yet to have that particular thingy. 

I feel sad when people whining that they really want to have a child, but it's like never will happened. No matter how hard she tries, sampai ada yang sampai taraf boleh jadi stress sebenarnya. I'm not even married yet, but, I feel for them. How hard might it be for them bagai menanti bulan jatuh ke riba. 

But, what I can say is, selagi Allah kata we're not ready, He'll never give it to us. Dia akan bagi rezekiNya, bila kita benar-benar dah bersedia. Allah takkan bagi sesuatu yang kita tak boleh nak cope pun. Dia tahu kemampuan kita. 

Dan, setiap sesuatu yang berlaku pada kita, ada hikmah yang tersembunyi. I myself had a downhill previously. But, I told myself, yes, bad things happened. Tapi, Allah dah janjikan sesuatu yang lebih baik, lebih manis untuk kau. 

Selalu macam tu. I've a friend yang feeling down sebab tak lepas interview scholarship untuk further study dekat overseas. And, nak dijadikan cerita, what she got is the local scholarship only, dimana dia perlu sambung belajar dalam negara sahaja. She was like, absolutely shocked at that time masa diberitahu sebab sesungguhnya, out of all the candidates, she was the only yang dah lengkap segala macam yang diminta oleh pihak penaja macam offer letter from uni, IELTS, she even dah ada sijil BTN pun!! And, the panel of interview, decided at that time that, she needs to further her study overseas. But, all of a sudden, it somehow changed. And, she got to know that, other candidates, yang bukan takat tak apply uni lagi, supervisor pun tak approach lagi, apatah lagi IELTS, got the overseas scholarship. If it was me, sumpah aku memang tak puas hati gila, and I'll tell the penaja myself. Tapi, that friend of mine, didn't. Though ada rasa terkilan tu (tipulah kalau tak kan? After all, it's her dream), apa yang paling dia rasa masa tu, is lega. Macam ada satu beban yang terpikul lama kat bahu dia, yang kasi serabut kepala dia, hilang. Why? Rupa-rupanya, dia memang dah lama torn between two choices sebenarnya. Walau dia nak sangat-sangat ke luar negara, part of her, tak sanggup sebenarnya to leave her old parents by themselves. " Parents aku tua dah. What if, satu hari, aku dapat phone call, bagitau parents aku dah takde? Aku tak rasa aku boleh cope dengan situasi tu. Tiket flight mahal pulak nak balik Malaysia. Belas jam lagi baru sampai. Elok aku sampai, jenazah dah kebumi. Tak dapat langsung aku tengok muka mereka. Aku tak rasa aku boleh bangun balik dari rasa sakit tu nanti." Allah leads her to a better choice. Her journey lepas tu, sangat-sangat mudah. She found many professors from various universities who are willing to supervised her. One of the universities even interested in her, offering her a lecturer position apart of her PhD study. Subhanallah, Allah gantikan dengan yang lebih manis. Yang lebih baik buatnya. 


Positivity. That's the key. No matter what happened to us, keep calm, and be positive. Remember, Allah is always by our side. He'll never leave us alone. He always guide us, lead us and choose the best for us. InsyaAllah

Saturday, 27 June 2015

Word for Myself: What Do You Value in Life? Pride?

" Dan janganlah kamu berjalan di muka bumi ini dengan sombong, kerana sesungguhnya kamu sekali-kali tidak dapat menembusi bumi dan sekali-kali kamu tidak akan sampai setinggi gunung (17: 37)"

Pride. Everyone sure do have it deep inside us. Cuma kita pandai nak control ourselves je ke tak. Some people, value their pride, sangat-sangat! Sampai dah boleh jadi hidung tinggi langit dah! Wonder why these people exist. Why did they care sangat-sangat dengan their very own self sampai orang lain punya pemikiran pun mereka nak control supaya sama macam apa yang mereka fikir? 

To me, we can't control what people nak fikir. Lantaklah. Every person on Earth, Allah bagi akal, ada hak untuk tentukan apa yang diri masing-masing nak fikir. We ain't robot yang certain people boleh control. Nak-nak, our own thinking. 

This is why, we should value others. Learn to respect, and do respect others. Ini bukan zaman yang tua dihormati yang muda disayangi? Yes, indeed. But people, we do need to respect others so that others will respect you. Hablumminallah wa hablumminannas. Right? Simple rule, yet too hard to be followed. 

Setengah dari kita, solat jaga, cantik. Puasa sunat, rajin yang amat! Hubungan dengan Allah, tip top. Tapi, kita selalu lupa bab hablumminannas tu. Hubungan dengan manusia lain. Bila kita value our pride sangat-sangat, tu yang jadi tak reti nak value others tu. We keep seeing others at wrong when all they did is only not thinking the same as you are. Sick people, sick..

It never wrong to rendahkan ego to. Accept others. Dan telan apa yang orang kata. Hadam baik-baik. After all, it's never wrong to listen to what others got to say, kan? We'll learned a lot more, instead. Takdelah dalam kepala kita penuh dengan kita punya thoughts je, believe me. Cuma, apa orang kata tu, accept it as it is. Don't bother if it's collide with your own thinking. After all, people think differently. 

Kalau ya nak oppose juga, do it right, dengan saluran yang betul, cara yang betul. Jangan straight away je bom tak tentu pasal. Others do have their own pride juga. Try to be in their shoes. Respect. That's the rule. Then, your hablumminannas will be preserved well. 

Apa aku membebel dalam post kali ni, ni? haha. Takde apa. I just feel like, terpukul once I came across the ayat in Suratul Isra' yesterday. And, I told myself, what have you been doing all these years? Cukupkah kau merendahkan diri kau dihadapan Allah? Pernahkah sekali pun, sekelumit pun, terbit rasa bangga dalam diri kau? Dan pernahkah kau memandang enteng pada orang lain? I did told myself all that. 

Thursday, 25 June 2015

Travelling in Europe using EURAIL GLOBAL PASS

Nilah rupa Eurail Pass tu. You need to fill your travel details. Tapi kalau continuous, tak wajib pun.

Wah, tajuk~~~ haha.. Gempak semacam. Anyway, Alhamdulillah, diriku diberi peluang oleh Allah s.w.t untuk meluaskan lagi pemandangan aku dibumi orang. Benda dah lama. Tapi, baru mengada-ngada nak write a blogpost about it. Sebenarnya sebab aku macam reluctant nak tulis pasal ni, but, I think, I need to share this. Sebab? Kan MAS punya tiket dah murah gila2 nak ke London and Paris sekarang. So, aku percaya, makin ramai Malaysian yang akan kesana. Dah alang2 kan, apa kata instead of focusing on London or Paris je, luaskan lagi kembara kita ke bumi Europe yang dirangkumi 50 negara tu (kalau aku tak silaplah..hehe).

One of the High-Speed Trains - This is ICE operated from Berlin to Bern

So, enough with the madah puisi, apa yang nak aku cerita dalam post kali ini ialah, a great way to travel across Europe dengan bajet yang boleh dikira murah berbanding lain. Seperti yang kita sedia maklum, negara Eropah memang sangat terkenal dengan keretapi trans-countries diorang yang sangat, I mean, SANGAT efficient. We can get from Paris to London by mere 2 hours lebih je merentasi Selat Inggeris tu. Kita juga boleh travel dari Prague ke Berlin dengan hanya 4 jam lebih je. Refer to map kalau nak tau distance dia yang tak tercapai dek tenaga kalau nak drive. haha. 

Antara Budget Airlines yang menjadi Pesaing pada Train di Eropah

Walaubagaimanapun, dengan kewujudan bajet airlines yang makin banyak dekat Europe seperti Ryanair, Easyjet, etc yang memang sangat-sangat murah kalau nak travel between European countries, penggunaan train dikatakan agak terancam. Mana taknya, aku pernah dapat flight, dari Edinburgh ke Dublin, baru £19 (for return tau!). Pernah juga dapat flight dari Edinburgh juga ke Oslo£30 je. Murah kan?

We've got a lot of Bags. haha. Kalau naik flight, jenuh! 

Tapi, kenapa aku kata, naik train is waaaayyy better? Simple. Budget airlines ni, dia spesis AirAsia juga. You got what you paid. In other words, apa yang kita nak, kita kena bayar. Means, dengan harga macam tu, kita hanyalah diberi seat semata-mata. Lain, semua kena bayar.  Checked-in luggage, meals, etc. Oh ya, kalau nak pilih seat pun, kena bayar tau! Memang macam AirAsia kan? Kat situlah kos akan naik sikit. Tapi, ia agak sesuai for backpackers sebenarnya. Macam aku, travel bawa backpack satu je, aku sumbat segala macam dalam tu. They're not gonna weigh it sebab most of the airlines, menggunakan 100% online system. So, kita check-in semua online. Datang airport, terus je pergi dekat security check. Tak perlu ke kaunter unless you have a bag to checked-in. Back to cerita asal, kalau dah nak bawa beg pun kena limited, why bother taking it?Kalau kita naik train, tak payah pening-pening fikir. Bawalah beg banyak mana pun, takde siapa kisah, asalkan susun elok-elok jangan nyusahkan orang lain nak lalu. haha..

Pening fikir how to organize our bags - Night Train (Trenhotel) from Lisbon to Madrid

However, you need to be smart for travelling with train. Salah cara, bankrup! haha. Di Europe, kita ada dua pilihan nak travel dengan train ni. Samada nak beli point to point ticket (tiket biasa je), ataupun nak ambil pass. Ni pun, bergantung pada kita punya cara nak travel juga. Kalau takat nak pergi satu dua tempat je, baik ambil tiket je. Tapi kalau traveller macam aku ni, aku ambil pass sebab aku nak pergi merata! Kalau ambil tiket, rugi banyak! So, ada a few options juga for the pass. Btw, untuk international manusia macam kita, kita kena ambil Eurail Pass. Kalau European atau mereka yang duduk kat sana for 6months, kena ambil Interrail Pass. Boleh juga nak try tengok Raileurope, tapi pada masa dan ketika aku nak beli pass ni dulu, macam rugi sikit kalau ambil dekat Raileurope due to hidden charges by them, whereas Eurail punya website, sangatlah telus. Takde hidden charges, at all!

Large, comfortable waiting area in Lisboa Oriente - Sampai tertidur En. Nahar

Nak ambil pass ni, bergantung pada kemana kita nak pergi dan berapa lama. Kalau nak pergi few neighboring countries je, bolehlah ambil Regional Pass yang kita boleh combine 2-5 countries yang bersempadan. Contohnya, Spain-Portugal-France, Deutschland-Czech-Austria, Italy-Switzerlad-Austria, Norway-Sweden, etc. Tapi, pass ni terkecuali untuk UK tau! Dia tak masuk dalam hal ni. Kalau nak travel banyak-banyak negara, do consider taking Global Pass instead. Kita boleh travel up to 28 countries by using that pass. And, the travel is unlimited as long as within time yang kita beli. Maksudnya, kita boleh beli pass yang kita nak guna for 5 days within 10 days, 10 or 15 days within 2 months, 15 or 21 days continuos, 1, 2, or 3 months continuos. Semua kita boleh pilih. Asalkan sesuai dengan masa kita nak travel. In short, Eurail Pass ni ada:

1 Country Pass - untuk travel dalam 1 negara je
Regional Pass - combine up to 5 neighboring countries
Global Pass - unlimited up to 28 countries yang terlibat

Intercity Bus operated in Eastern Europe - This one is from Venice to Villach

Semua pass ni valid untuk semua regional train untuk setiap negara. Untuk high-speed train, some countries nak reservation fees untuk seat. Tapi, aku rasa untuk Portugal, Spain, Italy je yang kena reserve. Yang lain, sukati kita je tak payah book dulu, redah je! Setengah negara, pass ni valid juga untuk diorang punya local transportation macam intercity train or bus. Aku ada guna pass ni untuk naik bas dari Venice ke Villach sebelum aku ambil train untuk ke Vienna pulak. Style kan? haha. Tak silap aku, dekat Deutschland pun, pass ni valid untuk diguna dekat bas dia juga. Yang ni, kena refer betul2 dekat benefits of the pass for each country. Baru faham. 

Tengok, kami je dalam gerabak ni! Leather seat pulak! Selesa gila! - Railjet train from Villach to Vienna

Macam aku dulu, aku ambil 21 days continuos sebab aku nak flexible. Sebab ada masanya, tiba-tiba je aku terasa nak pergi sana, pergi sini, senang! Contoh, dekat Switzerland, tetibe je ade hari tu aku terasa nak ke St. Moritz, nak ke Zermatt, nak tengok Lake Luzern, terus je aku lompat naik train. haha. Dengan unlimited travelling trips yang kita nak buat tu, memang sangat-sangat berbaloilah kiranya ambil pass ni! Harga pass ni, berubah-ubah ikut season. Masa aku dulu, winter, so, agak murah sebenarnya. haha. Sebab memang omputih ni, tak suka travel masa winter. Sebab siang pendek. Tapi aku, dah masa tu je aku ada, tu yang aku travel time tu. haha. 

The best seat yang aku jumpa dalam train in Europe! Boleh pulak ada area lepaking ni! - SBB Train in Switzerland, 1st class je kot yang ada. 

Pemegang Eurail Pass ni, boleh juga memilih untuk travel on first class or second class, depends on type of pass yang kita ada. Kalau kita ambil yang second class, kalau nak travel first class, kena bayar sikitlah. Kalau yang first class, boleh travel dalam both classes. Tapi, tu tak payah kisah, sebab second class pun, sangat-sangat selesa. Kalau first class seat train Ekspres Rakyat tu. haha. Menariknya, kalau kita berumur 26 tahun dan keatas, kita memang wajib travel first class. So, nak tak nak, kena beli first class punya pass. Mahal sikit, tapi, sebenarnya, best! haha. Aku dulu pun, sebabkan bawa parents, secara tak langsung, aku pun beli first class. 

Having lunch. Don't worry, mereka memang dah kasi menu details. This one is vegetarian food, gluten-free

Apa yang bezanya dua kelas ni? Dari sudut service dan keselesaan, ada beza sikit. First class, selain dapat free mineral water, earphones and newspaper, akan ada steward yang datang tanya nak makan apa ke. Kalau tak pun, cafe, sangat-sangat dekat. Yang ni, memang favorite aku tiap kali naik train dulu. Selalu gila aku order hot chocolate. Parents aku, coffee. haha. Nikmat gila ok minum coffee, tea or hot choco atas train! Dengan view yang, marvelous! haha. Dari segi seating pun, beza. First class, kadang tu, seat 1-2. Second class, 2-2. First class juga, coach senyap sebenarnya. Yang naik, selalu orang bisnes je aku nampak. Aku dengan parents aku je macam huha huha sikit. haha. Dan juga, the best part of travelling with train, yang ni, both classes ada aku rasa, the compartment seats. Kira macam ruang compartment kita sendiri dalam coach tu. Biasa ada 4-6 seats. Tapi, sebab aku dulu naik first class, kosong je selalu, jadinya, aku selalu dapat satu compartment untuk kitorang. Jadi, nak baring ke, apa ke, sukati! Nak solat pun senang sebenarnya. 

Ni rupa Trenhotel tu tanpa kami

Certain train, dia memang takde class pun. Macam kalau naik night train dari Lisbon ke Madrid, apa yang ada, cuma nak katil ke seat. Aku dulu, ambil cabin, tapi aku request whole cabin sebenarnya padahal cabin tu untuk 4 orang. haha. Sukati aku je masa tu. Tapi, bukan payah bayar lebih pun. Just make a special request je. Omputih ni, dia sangat jaga customer dia. Orait je! haha

Ada train dua tingkat! - At Switzerland

Berbaloi ke guna Eurail Pass ni? To me, yes it is. Sebab aku sangat extensive guna dia! Aku guna pass ni untuk travel 21 days covering half of Europe. Perjalanan aku lebih kurang macam ni:

Lisbon to Madrid : 12 hrs - Night Train (4 Berth Cabin) Seat Reservation
Madrid to Cordoba : 2 hrs - Day trip (1st Class) Seat Reservation
Madrid to Granada : 4.30 hrs - Day trip (1st Class) Seat Reservation
Rome to Napoli : 4 hrs - Day trip to Pompeii (2nd class Compartment) Seat Reservation
Rome to Venice : 3.30 hrs (1st Class) Seat Reservation
Venice to Villach : 3 hrs - Bus (1st Class) Seat Reservation
Villach to Vienna : 4 hrs (1st Class)
Vienna to Prague : 4.30 hrs (1st Class)
Prague to Berlin : 5 hrs (1st Class)
Berlin to Bern : 8 hrs (1st Class Compartment)
Bern to St. Moritz : 4 hrs - Part of it is scenic route (1st Class)
Bern to Interlaken : 50 mins - To go to Jungfraujoch (1st Class)
Interlaken to Luzern : 1.50 - Scenic route (1st Class)
Luzern to Bern : 1 hr (1st Class)
Bern to Zermatt : 2.15 hrs - Part of it is scenic route (1st Class)

The infamous Glenfinnan Viaduct - Bernina Express from Chur to St Moritz

Most of it, macam yang korang tengok, tak perlu pun nak bayar seat reservation. Main terjah je. Maklumlah, naik first class kan, haruslah takde orang. Kadang tu, aku dengan parents aku je satu coach tu. Gila heaven! haha.. Kalau kena bayar pun, tak banyak pun. Paling-paling pun €10. Yang night train tu, ye mahal sikit sebab, katil kan? haha. Tu pun, €29 je sorang. Sangat best kot! Tapi, paling best is travelling dekat Switzerland sebenarnya. Dahlah sesungguhnya aku memang suka Switzerland! Sana sini, semua santek! Memang train kosong, takde orang, so, kita hop on je terus. Dan, dia punya train, memang the best dalam semua-semua negara Europe. Plus, kita akan dapat discounted rate for the private scenic route. Some of it is inclusive to our pass macam Panaromic Train to Lake Luzern, Bernina Express from Chur to St. Moritz. Tu dah include. So tak payah bayar anything, naik je train tu. Tapi untuk dari Interlaken nak naik ke mountain train to Jungfraujoch, kena bayar sebab dia operated by Jungfraubahn, a private company. Sama dengan Glacier Express untuk ke Zermatt. Mahal kot kalau ikut harga tiket dia. Tapi, pasal aku ada Eurail Pass, dapatlah diskaun 50%. Untung kan? So jadinya, instead of spending €1110 seorang, kami hanya spend €171.72 (pasal hanya Jungfraubahn dan Glacier Express tu je yang kena bayar). Tu hanya di Switzerland. Overall semua perjalanan aku di sana selama 21 hari menggunakan Eurail Pass, plus dengan harga pass:

Harga Pass: €506
Train Fees : €314.25
Total: €820.25

Jom kita buat perbandingan dimana kalau aku ambil point-to-point tickets. Kalau aku travel in 1st Class, memandangkan aku memang travel 1st class je sepanjang perjalanan ni, aku akan spend sebanyak €2248.27. Compare dengan kalau aku ada pass tadi, sebanyak €1428 akan dibazirkan begitu sahaja. Oklah, katakan tak payah travel 1st class. Kita travel in 2nd Class. So, jumlah yang perlu aku bayar is,  €1555.35, which is still €735 more then kalau aku ada pass. Jimat gila kan travel dengan Eurail Pass ni? 

Gunung apa, aku pun tak tau, tapi yang pasti, otw back to Chur from St. Moritz

Masa aku buat research dulu untuk plan bajet ni dulu, banyak je review yang aku jumpa yang tak berbaloi pun ambil Eurail Pass ni, which I don't understand. Perhaps, to their point of view, yes. But, pada aku, it is a MUST to use Eurail Pass if you're travelling within a tight budget. Here are few of plenty reasons which might help you on why you should consider using Eurail Pass:

  1. TRAVEL EXTENSIVELY THROUGHOUT EUROPE. If you'll only travelling like between 2-3 cities, point-to-point ticket might be better for you. This will only work for you if you want to travel between lot, I mean LOT of places and plenty of daytrips.
  2. LONG PERIOD. If you'll be only staying for days, and will not use train that much, forget it
  3. BAGGAGES. This will be like major factor. No train operator will weigh your baggage. So, rest assured. No need to sort your baggage anytime you'll move to your next destination. They will not even care if you bringing even 3 bags.
  4. FLEXIBILITY. The fact that you can hop on any train you like and go anywhere you want is really great! Go anywhere, unplanned! 

So, basically, kalau 4 benda kat atas, ada dalam kepala korang, do consider use Eurail Pass. For further info, please buka website mereka, Macam-macam info korang akan dapat. They do have a branch office in Singapore. So, kejap je lepas korang order, bayar duit, esoknya sampailah pass tu kat rumah korang dengan TNT Courier. haha.

Pakai sampai lunyai! Itu kemestian. After all, we've paid RM2000++ for it!

Monday, 22 June 2015

5 Reasons Why You Should Travel to Europe

Europe. I'm sure many of us do list it as one of the places to go before we die. We dreamt to go to Europe for various reasons. From their history, culture to locals. We sure love everything about Europe. Why? Is Europe that majestic that we MUST go there? The answer is, Yes! They are majestic! Here, I'd like to share 5 reasons why I do love travelling in Europe.

1. They are MAJESTIC!

The one and only Majestic Edinburgh

Old town. Old town. Old town. Everywhere! Growing up in Malaysia, we know, there's no way we can ever see the Gothic or Georgian architecture from our window. We do have like few old town here and there, but nothing can beat Europe. Seriously! I really love strolling through old Gothic-inspired shophouses. And, from a far, I can see the grand palace or castle where their nation began centuries ago. Majestic. Nuff said. 

The Infamous Rival of Edinburgh - Majestic Prague

2. It never hurts to walk for kilometers

Cold. Yes. It's winter. In Istanbul.

As I mentioned previously, I really love to walk through the town. And guess what? It's cobblestones we walking on! Tiring? Actually no as we'll spend most of our time enjoying the scenery here and there. And, the nice weather actually helps. Not on rainy or windy day though. You'll freeze!

3. You will be accompanied by the sound of music

Photos. Photos. Photos. The best momento. Don't be shy to take a photo with them. They're super nice.

It's like, everywhere you go, you'll hear music. Everywhere! I especially love the bagpipe music as I walk in Edinburgh. It'll be better when there's shower. God, that's simply awesome! Where on Earth you can experience this? Only in Europe, I tell you. They value their culture so much. And, they know we, tourist, wanted that! No need to spend £20++ to the concert or what not. Just walk through the town, and the concert will be played by itself. 

If you're lucky, you'll be greeted by this (I was in Edinburgh when they doing the Drumhead Service)

3. Postcards. Calendar. Picturesque. Even the alleys will amaze you

Haunted-house? No, it's the Weirdly-Unique Hundertwasser in the World Most Livable City, Vienna

I always awe by European architecture. I can spend an hour just to look at a building, from it's structure to small tiniest details such as sculptures and column heads. It just, mesmerizing! You just can't help yourself to snap a picture of every single corner of it. Everything that you see, is simply, beautiful. 

Small Village I Encounter During a from Chur to St. Moritz - Part of the route is the UNESCO-recognized Narrow-Gauge

I took a train ride throughout Switzerland before. I just can't close my eyes for a second, as I don't want to miss anything! The journey feels short as I spend all my time awing the jaw-dropped natural landscape here and there.

One of the alleys I found in Europe - This one is in Cordoba, around the Cathedral-Mezquita

I don't know about others. But for me, apart from the old buildings here and there, what attracts me the most is the small alleys that actually can get me lost sometimes. It makes me feel like I live in the fairytale world that I saw in Disney before. haha. The best alley I saw is in Prague. Walking down from the Prague Castle to the Charles Bridge, lies the narrowest alleys of the town, equipped with traffic light. Interesting right? 

5. The most efficient public transportation ever 

The Popular Double-Decker Bus

Enough with walking, European cities are also well known for their efficient transportation system. They are super punctual! If the bus or metro is scheduled to arrived in 2 minutes, yes, it'll arrived in 2 minutes. And, we can actually go anywhere with great fare. Most tourist will take the day ticket as we can travel as much as we like in a day. It is super cheap too. In Edinburgh for example, it'll costs us £3.50 for the day ticket (£1.50 for single trip) and we can take tram or bus to anywhere we like throughout the city. In addition, some of the city do have an option of 3 days ticket apart from the 1 day. For example, in Rome we can travel for 3 days using any public transport for only €16.50 (€1.50 for single trip and €6 for 1 day). Cheap right? And, the most efficient means of transportation that we can take especially if we want to travel throughout Europe is train. Yes, they are very reliable! I'll write something about travelling in Europe by train later. Nevertheless, I always enjoy riding tube in London, buses in Edinburgh, metro in Paris and Rome, trams in Lisbon, Stockholm and Oslo, etc. You'll never get lost in your way as the routes map is clear, and the stations are always near to places you want to go. And, there's always a route that specially made for tourist, seriously. By the way, some places allow the tourist to take their historic transports such as in Lisbon. I rode the old tram that goes from the city centre to the historical suburbs. Spectacular!

Actually, I've plenty more reasons. Not only five. But, these five are the most relatable to others, I think. 

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